Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Orders & Deliveries

Step 1: Email your confirm orders to littlewoman@live.com.sg

Step 2: Indicate the following in your email
1) Item Code & Name
2) Recipient’s Name
3) Delivery address
4) Contact Number
5) Quantity
6) Preferred Bank for transfer (UOB/DBS/OCBC)
7) Preferred mode of postage(Normal/Registered)

Step 3: We will confirm via email on the total price(inc. postage)

Step 4: Upon your confirmation of total charges, we will email the preferred bank account number for payment transfers.

Step 5: Email LitteWoman the transferred date, time & amount upon completion of payment transfer.

1) Payment are to be made within 3 days after the confirmation( Step 4)
2) Upon Payment, delivery will be within the next 3 – 4 business days for instock items.

Delivery (Singapore only)
- Registered Postage is charged at an additional of S$2.50

Overseas orders
Pls email us for further enquries